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Pikeshaw’s needs your help

Pikeshaw is a small area of woodland bounded by Orchard Close, Highfield Road, Apple Close, the Hydes and Huscarle Way.  Footpaths (FP) also form part of the area boundary – an extension of footpath No. 5 (from the A329 at the top of New Hill), those joining FP 5 from Simons close and Highfield Road, and that linking The Hydes to Apple Close.

There are three entrances – from FP 5 / Huscarle Way, from The Hydes, and from Apple Close (?).

The woodland is owned by the Parish, and intended for peaceful casual leisure for all residents.  It is kept as natural as possible, and we take steps to encourage small wildlife to flourish in its environment.  The Council manages the woodland,   planting and felling trees as necessary, maintaining informal paths, fencing and entrance gates,   keeping it tidy clean and safe.

We sponsor a voluntary group of residents and neighbours to help with the management of the area, and arrange occasional days for clean-ups and monitoring.

We would welcome any volunteer who wishes to help keep this unusual and valuable resource in good condition for people to enjoy.  Please contact the Clerk at the Parish Council, or Councillor Christine Collier direct.

Some pictures of the Pikeshaw woodland – click on picture to see larger version


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