Flood Suppliers
Below is a list of suppliers of flood protection equipment which you might find useful.
The Parish Council makes no recommendation as to the adequacy or otherwise of equipment offered. You need to satisfy yourself that the products will meet your requirements.
Please note: Purley on Thames Parish Council is not responsible for the content of third party websites.
Floodtite Panseal
The unique Floodtite Panseal was specifically designed in 2003 by our Company owner/engineer to prevent sewage backflow through the downstairs toilet system.
This is an essential product to help prevent sewage flooding into your home or business during flood conditions.
It takes seconds to fit, simply position the Panseal below the toilet rim, inflate, using a cycle pump, a watertight seal is achieved between the tubing and inner wall of the toilet, a secondary seal is formed underneath the rim. To deflate, press the valve centre plunger.
The Panseal can be installed should the premises be vacant for any period of time i.e. holidays, holiday homes or rented properties etc.
This will give the property owner piece of mind
Floodtite Systems Ltd
500 The Broadway
Muswell Hill
N10 1BT
Tel: 0208 442 0872
Email: sales@floodtite.com
Web: www.floodtite.com/index.html
FloodsaxDirect – Stop water in its tracks.
We supply Floodsax – the world beating alternative to sandbags – Direct
Be prepared with the fast effective defence against flooding.
A box of 20 Floodsax is the equivalent of a pallet of 20 sandbags – ready to store, easy to use, tough, lightweight and small until energized and guaranteed whilst vacuum packed for 5 years.
They are super absorbent, biodegradable and endorsed by the National Disabled Fire Association.
Our website has a downloadable brochure and an online shop to buy.
FloodSaxDirect Ltd
Manor House
NG13 9JP
Tel: 01949 869110
Tel2: 07809 273535
Email: charlotte@floodsaxdirect.com
Please note: Purley on Thames Parish Council is not responsible for the content of third party websites.