New Village Plan
Dear Purley Resident Submission of the Questionnaire is now closed. We have had 655 questionnaires of which 27 were from children. This represents a just over 29% response rate for the village. 1394 people took part in the survey. The Village Plan Steering Committee would like to thank all those who took part in the survey for their contribution. A special thanks goes to the questionnaire distributers and data entry volunteers for there efforts. Without everyone’s efforts we would not have had such a successful response. New Village Plan Feedback Form
What happens next?
When all the questionnaires have been received, the results will be collated and analysed. From these results we will write the Village Plan with an Action Plan to move us forward. This will be an important and useful document and every household will be able to access a copy. Thank you for your participation Purley on Thames Village Plan Steering GroupVP Club Listing Pro-forma (this form is in pdf format and can be either printed and filled in by hand or completed electronically, saved and emailed to us at the address on the form)
The Questionnaires
These questionnaires are provided for information only. Village Plan Questionnaire This is the full adult questionnaire. It can cater for up to 6 people. Children’s Questionnaire This is the paper version of the children’s questionnaire for those aged between 5 and 10. It can handle up to 4 children. Village Plan Flyer This is a copy of the Village Plan Flyer that was distributed a few weeks ago.]]>